Powerpro Ice-Tec PTFE-Coated Ice Fishing Line – Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters

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Powerpro Ice-Tec PTFE-Coated Ice Fishing Line-Power Pro-Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters

Powerpro Ice-Tec PTFE-Coated Ice Fishing Line

Regular price $9.99

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only 2 left in stock

The incredible sensitivity and awesome abrasion resistance mean less lost lures and fish. PTFE coating sheds water and minimizes ice build up on your tackle. Whether you're fishing the frozen waters of Lake Winnibigoshish in Minnesota or angling the Archipelago in Sweden, PowerPro ICE-TEC Line is a weapon of mass extraction. Add this to your arsenal of terminal tackle and fight the fish...PowerPro ICE-TEC Line is fire in the hole!

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