Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack – Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters

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Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack
Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack
Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack
Product image 1Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack
Product image 2Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack
Product image 3Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack

Flirty Girty Ice Treble Hooks 3 Pack

Regular price $4.49

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The glow of Ice Hooks works because fish see color. They are attracted to color. The glowing Ice Hooks accentuate the bait and bring in curious fish from all directions.

Ice Hooks work great for tip-ups and tip-downs. Match the size Ice Hooks with the species you are fishing. Walleyes and panfish - sizes 8, 10, or 12. Northerns - sizes 4 or 6. The extra sharp Ice Hooks hook 'em up and won't let 'em go! We guarantee you will catch more fish with glowing Ice Hooks than on plain old trebles or your money back. Hook 'em up!

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