Northland Buck-Shot Spoon – Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters

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Northland Buck-Shot Spoon-Northland-Wind Rose North Ltd. Outfitters

Northland Buck-Shot Spoon

Regular price $4.99

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• Incorporates a highly visible, UV enhanced, optical brightened finish
• The ticking, thumping & clicking Buck-Shot® rattle lures fish in from a wide radius
• Helps put more Crappies, Walleye & Perch on the ice

Perfect for perch, crappies, walleyes and trout through the ice and in open water. Optically brightened UV finish excels in low-light and low-vis conditions. Jig vertically with an aggressive lift-fall to attract fish and activate Buck-Shot® rattle system. Tip spoon with a minnow head, waxworms or plastics such as IMPULSE® Minnow Head and Perch Eye.

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